Frequently Asked Question

Education at the CSCT
Last Updated 3 years ago

The CSCT aims to educate and inform the healthcare stakeholders so they can avoid pitfalls and false promises, limit as much as possible clinical and technological risks, plan correctly their thechnological roadmap, and make valua ble contributions to the local, national and international structuration and standardisation of the healthcare data. In other words, so that they can make enlighted choices in the matters concerning themselves and be actors of the changes that they will have to deal with every day instead of enduring them.

To achieve this goals, the CSCT has been organising courses and mini-congresses since 2017.  The course announcements will be posted in due time in the relevant sections of the CSCT website.

We aim to transfer much of the course basic knowledge to this pages and to online elearning modules so they can be available at anytime to those needing them. Nevertheless this process will take time. In the mean while, you are welcome to ask your questions and express your interest in attending courses throught this ticketing system. Live course sessions can be organised on request if we get suffiscient demand.

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