Frequently Asked Question

The CSCT SNOMED CT release
Last Updated 3 years ago

The CSCT currently publishes a SNOMED CT extension to allow its members to participate to proof of concepts of structured data capture and exchange in the global context of development of the Belgian Care Sets and of the Belgian e-Health plan. 

The publication of this extension is done in close collaboration with the BeSafeshare team and the Belgian NRC. It is meant to offer a way to quickly address the needs and requests arising from the end-users and domain experts within these POCs, before "definitive" versions of those Care Sets value sets could be "frozen" into the regular official Belgian extension published by the Belgian NRC and the "final" version of those Care Sets business rules could be "frozen" by the BeSafeshare team.

There is currently no regular time pattern to the CSCT extension release process yet as it depends of feedback the CSCT receives form the various stakeholders of the Care Sets POCs and the technical capacity of the CSCT volunteers to handle those requests as intermediate aggregator.

The CSCT release files in formal RF2 format can be downloaded here from the CSCT education website. More information on each release can be found in its specific FAQ.

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