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SNOMED international Allergy implementation guide
Last Updated 2 years ago

SNOMED international Allergy Special Interest Group (SIG), recognizing the need for guidelines on how to record properly hypersensitivity data in EHRs using SNOMED CT concepts decided in 2014 to develop an Allergy implementation guide. However this guide was never published and stayed in draft version until it was picked up again by the Allergy Clinical Reference Group (CRG) in 2020, after the group has finished reviewing the hierarchy and concept model of the Allergy, non allergic hypersensitivity and intolerance concepts.

Given its active contribution to the development of the Belgian AllergyIntolerance Care set, to the x-eHealth Allergy data model and the involvement of the CSCT coordinator both in the Allergy CRG as co-chair and in the SNOMED in FHIR group, the CSCT was deeply involved in the redaction of the current version of this guide and instrumental into making it the first of a new generation of implemtation guides going into detail about how to implement the capture of clinical data using SNOMED CT concepts together with the FHIR data structure.

The publication of the guide has not yet been officially announced by SNOMED international communication team but the guide was presented at the 2023 SNOMED Business Meeting and its definitive version can already be accessed here, awaiting its definitive webpage address.


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