Frequently Asked Question

What is the Vaccination care set?
Last Updated 3 years ago

The Care Set "Vaccination" provides all the information about the administered vaccines. Eventually, there should be an "authentic source" for the vaccines administered in all parts of the country (Vaccinet already exists in Flanders and eVax is available in the Wallonia-Brussels federation and the German-speaking community). This source can be fed from the EHRs (Electronic Patient Records) of the different providers who are the source of the information.

Information about vaccination is part of the initial Sumehr.

The purpose of the Vaccination Care Set is to provide all information regarding the registration of current and historical administration of vaccines to patients in all disciplines, in all health care facilities and in all regions.

The Vaccination project is a sub-project of the Patient Health Record (PHR - formerly called modular Sumehr) project. The objective of this sub-project is to share the information mentioned in the Care Set "Vaccination" initially between the first line (general practitioners) and the second line (hospitals) and subsequently between other RA 78 first and/or second line care providers who need it (via the access matrix).

The implementation of a structured information exchange model ("Care Set") of administered vaccine data is a concrete achievement of action point 4.1 of the eHealth 3.0 roadmap "multidisciplinary electronic data exchange".

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