Frequently Asked Question

What is the scope of the PatientWill Care Set?
Last Updated 2 years ago

The SUMEHR KMEHR already contains some information about the patient's wishes. The Care Set PatientWill is therefore part of the Patient Health Record (PHR) project - the new SUMEHR - and also forms part of the ACP (Advanced Care Planning) project.

The ACP projet (Advanced Care Planning) project is a process that invites the citizen to reflect on how they wish to be cared for in the event that they are no longer able to make decisions about their health, whether in an emergency situation, when they are unconscious or at the end of their life. The ACP aims to ensure that the patient's preferences are respected, whether in terms of treatment (the medical interventions that the patient considers desirable and those that he or she categorically refuses), housing (the environment in which the patient wishes to end his or her life) or even death (the patient's wishes regarding the end of his or her life and the disposal of his or her body). In other words, the patient's wishes, values, beliefs or anything else that is important to them.

The aim of the "PatientWill" Care Set is to record the patient's wishes regarding :

1. Advance declaration relating to euthanasia : The patient gives his or her agreement that, in the event that he or she is suffering from a serious incurable condition and is incapable of expressing his or her request because he or she is irreversibly unconscious (in a coma), the doctor may carry out euthanasia in accordance with the conditions and procedures laid down by law. This declaration is for information only, as only the declaration to the communal authorities is official.

2. Anticipated Negative Declaration : The treatments and/or examinations that the patient does not wish to receive. (example: No intubation, no resuscitation).

3. Advance declaration concerning organ donation : His/her wishes concerning the end of his/her life in terms of the donation of bodily material

  • For the manufacture of medicines
  • Organ donation for transplantation
  • Donation of human body material for transplantation
  • Donation of human body material for research

4. Advance declaration of last wishes and/or choice of funeral rites : Advance requests concerning consent or refusal to consent to specific medical treatments valid only when the patient is mentally incapable of acting and the choice of funeral rites for his or her funeral.

5. The advance declaration relating to the donation of the body to science : Making the entire mortal remains available to medicine for scientific or training purposes (learning dissections for medical students, scientific research, etc.). This declaration is made to a university (only universities with an approved medical faculty). Donations of bodies to science are managed entirely by the Faculties of Medicine. They are therefore not eligible for declarations of intent to the local authority of residence, general practitioners or online via

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