Frequently Asked Question

What is the scope of the current eBirth Care Set?
Last Updated 2 years ago

The scope of the eBirth Care set/bundle is the medical data that need to be transmitted at birth. The administrative or social data that need to be transmitted for the purpose of the declaration of birth are out of scope, except those administrative data needed to identify the mother and the child or children (Patient Care Set).

The type of medical data that fall within the eBirth scope are:

  • Metadata about the pregnancy (ex: spontaneous/in vitro), the fetus (ex: chorionicity), the labor (ex: induced), the delivery (ex: with forceps)
  • Observations made on the mother: physical observations (ex: perineal laceration), measurements (ex: weight after delivery), lab tests (ex: blood glucose)
  • Procedures made on the mother: analgesia, anesthesia, suture of lacerations, …
  • Personal dispositions (ex: choice regarding the breastfeeding)
  • Observations made on the child: physical observations (ex: malformations), measurements (ex: birth weight), lab test (ex: blood pH), scores (ex: APGAR)…
  • Conditions diagnosed on the child: only the congenital malformations detected before or at birth.
  • Procedures made on the child: in utero monitoring, breathing assistance at birth, …

At this point, only the Observations and Conditions will be modelled as Care Sets and not the Procedures. Procedures will be recorded as simple elements in the eBirth Care Set in this first development phase and these procedure elements will be later updated from codable fields to references to Procedure Care Sets.

More information about each element of this Care Set will be made available once the eBirth workgroup has agreed on the full eBirth data model.

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